ALL FOR ONE: Learning designed for every mind.
Transformative Edtech.
Revolutionizing the digital learning experience.
Our software tailors each learning experience to your students' abilities during whole group instruction.
Save educators time, deplete burnout
Evoke curiosity & critical thinking
Build confidence & engagement
Inclusive learning & collaboration
Unique Digital Instruction
Empowering Educators and Students
Sign Up for Our Beta:
Personalized Picks
3 differentiated level options. Assigned to students with just a click.
Digital Deployment
Lessons are broadcasted on both the classroom smartboard and student devices
All For One
Students receive personalized comprehension questions matching their learning level during whole group instruction.
Data Collection & Intuitive Rigor Meter
OpenAI is used to evaluate student performance, helping educators adjust learning levels. Student progress is stored in data in portfolios.
44% of educators in the U.S. are overwhelmed, overtaxed and overburdened at work, outpacing all other industries nationwide. (Gallup)
Below 20% of educators found differentiation, collaboration, or flipped learning methods most beneficial in existing software. (Sprint Education)
50% of K-12 students lack engagement during lessons. (Gradient Learning)
We are 100% “over” it.
After logins are created for the students, teachers can assign their students their own unique and individualized level of questioning, (from a choice of three), from a drop down menu provided, with just the click of a button!
Not to worry. All For One’s lessons have the capacity to be converted into PDFs to be printed.
All For One is currently offering free usage for beta testers. Take advantage of this incredible offer before it runs out!